Chandra D. Brown - Public Adjuster • Recruiter

Types of Claims

"It's not the size of the damage--it's the cost of the repair!!"

Getting Started

Learn more about your policy and identify threats to your real property or physical health.

Submit Declaration Pages and Schedule Property Inspection*
What is your policy number?
What is your coverage period?
How much has your premium increased?
Has your coverage changed?
Have your improvements eliminated your coverage?
Do you have current damage?
Have you been denied a claim?
Schedule Free Policy Review and Property Inspection
*Declarations pages must be submitted to schedule your free policy coverage review or free home inspection.

Your questions

What kind of insurance do you offer?
We don't sell insurance or anything like that.
What are your fees?
They vary depending on the type and severity of the claim.
How does my deductible work?
Typically with property insurance, the deductible is taken from the amount of loss and simply deducted from your settlement.
Do I have a minimum size claim?
Typically we we won't take on a claim that's less than $1,500 over your deductible.
Do I have to spend all the money on my repairs?
No, but it varies slightly depending on the situation.
When is the policy effective?
Your declarations page will clearly spell out your effective date (when your policy begins) and your expiration date (when your policy ends). Your policy "period" or "term" refers to how long your policy is in effect before you need to renew.
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